Regularly checking your financial aid status is a critical step in ensuring you receive your financial aid in a timely manner. You can manage all aspects of your financial aid and stay on top of your status online.
Login Information: The first time you log in, you will need to enter the temporary PIN that was sent to you via email after you submitted your admission application (the subject line will include "we've received your application"). If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link or send an email to
If you haven't deposited or have been admitted to DU, go to and log in with your email address and password. The first time you login, you will need to enter the temporary pin that was sent to you via email after you submitted your admission application (the subject line will include "we've received your application"). If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link or send an email to
If you've deposited to DU, you'll log in to My4D. The first time you login, your password will be your 6-digit birthday in the MMDDYY format. If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link or contact the DU IT Help Desk at 303-871-4700 to have them reset it for you.
If you complete your financial aid application by the priority deadline and are admitted to the University of Denver, you can expect to receive your aid offer via email soon after your admission decision. A packet of information will also be mailed to you. The timeline for receiving your offer will depend on when you applied for admission:
Early Decision I Applicants: Early December
Early Action Applicants: Late December
Early Decision II Applicants: Mid-February
Regular Decision Applicants: Early March
If you're a transfer student and have completed the financial aid application process, we'll send you a financial aid offer 2-3 weeks after being admitted to DU.
If you're a current DU student and have completed all application requirements, you can expect to receive your financial aid offer via email in mid-June.
Once you've accepted your financial aid, there may be additional requirements you need to complete before your aid can pay into your student account. To see if there are unsatisfied requirements, review the Financial Aid Checklist widget on the dashboard of My4D.
Provided all requirements are satisfied, your financial aid will disburse to your DU student account 10 days prior to the start of every term. Refunds are then generated by the Office of Student Billing 2-3 days after disbursement.